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Happy Day and Thanks-Giving to you!

In case you’re a history buff, our American Thanksgiving Day began in 1621 as gratitude for the autumn harvest, a better life and potential new friendships (between the “new” white English settlers who had only been on this continent a couple hundred years and the Native Americans who had been on this continent since roughly 9100 to 8850 BCE according to Wikipedia.)

That feast in 1621 eventually became the holiday that we Americans call “Thanksgiving”.  Canada has a similar day in October.


I’ve often wondered why giving thanks is labeled as a once a year event?

And WHY is this holiday, which is based on gratitude, often fraught with loneliness, family conflicts, and stress about having to prepare an abundant meal? 

Economists sometimes call these types of situations which seem to conflict the natural order of things,  “first world problems”.

My personal theory is that many “first world problems” are because, as a people, we have gotten lost in our electronics and technology.  Not that electronics or technology are inherently bad, but they yield instant gratification which leaves us wanting more and not ever having (or rather making) the chance to appreciate what we have.

For many humans in first world countries, our mobile phones have disconnected us from our planet, our food sources, our families, our communities, and even ourselves.


How did our national gratitude meter drop so low that a holiday based on Thanks-Giving is filled with stress, complaints and conflicts?

Again, it’s my theory …

How can we be content or thankful if we are out of sync or disconnected from the things that are most important in life?   If we are unhappy in our daily lives, then holidays that should be based on love and gratitude backfire cause more stress and discontent for a lot of people.


Why make Thanksgiving only one day a year? Each day of giving thanks would benefit us all.


What if every day was a day of Giving Thanks?

Wouldn’t our stress levels be lower with higher levels of contentment?

Wouldn’t the world be a better place with more love, gratitude, laughter and joy?

I say Heavens, YES!

Every day I find things for which I am grateful.  And almost every time I find myself getting into a funk or a foul mood, I remember a few things for which I am grateful (or that brings me joy) and it helps me snap out of the bad mood.

In short, being thankful for anything helps me feel more connected to myself and this planet, and to be more peaceful.  And oftentimes, my laptop works better after I step away and shift my mind from the “problem” to something beneficial.


Do you feel like your personal gratitude meter is low?

If you feel less thankful than you would like to, here are five tips that help me regain balance and harmony.  Maybe they will work for you also.

  1. Take a deep breath and name three things right that moment for which you are grateful.
    • It can be as simple as being thankful that you can breath, that you have all ten fingers and most of your teeth.
  2. Step outside and look at every tree, bird, blade of grass, and cloud as if it is the first time you’ve seen it.
    • Nature can ground us and quiet our minds, which allows us to reconnect with our bodies and release stress.
  3. Catch yourself beginning to grumble or be angry, stop it and reframe that moment.
    • Say something like …. “I erase that thought/phrase. I can be better than this. I can learn to give and receive goodness every day.”
    • Saying “I can” opens the possibility without alarming a resistant mind or body.  It’s a great psychology trick! 🙂
  4. Clear your body and mind of detrimental energies that prevent you from feeling great and creating a life you love.
    • Check out the Body Code™, Emotion Code® or Belief Code®  energy healing modalities.
    • My personal, online practitioner is Michelle Moore.  You can visit her website Brain2Heart, if you wish.
    • I am not getting paid to tell you about this.  This is a personal testimony because I’ve had amazing results in the last six months.  Therefore, I want to share it with you in case you feel stuck in your life, or feel like your love and gratitude meter is broken.
  5. Enroll in my Latin-Skate or Ballroom sewing school.
    • No joke!
    • Your gratitude meter will soar for SEW many reasons …
      • learn new skills
      • look and feel fabulous in your competition dresses
      • save a lot of money buying a dress
      • eliminate buyer’s remorse or non-buyer’s jealousy by making your own dress instead of buying one!
      • increase your confidence
      • AND, the 225+ members in twenty countries are amazing!  You will be SEW grateful and have a wonderful time interacting with them in our community and on our live, bi-monthly Q&A Coaching sessions held on Zoom.
      • Until November 30, tuition is reduced by 33% with payments as low as $299.
      • I LOVE my sewing school and all the members!  Each live Q&A Coaching session, I am super thankful to get to spend a few hours with some amazing human beings, all of whom know how to make top quality dance and skate dresses. 🙂


Thanks SEW much for listening to my ruminations on many days of Thanks-Giving. 

I would love to hear your thoughts or suggestions on giving thanks every day, or what you are thankful for.   Leave a comment below if you wish to share.

Best wishes for a glorious day, month, year, lifetime filled with love, laughter and gratitude.

Your sewing coach, sewing business mentor, and occasional life coach,

Teresa Sigmon

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